Erdös/Bacon Numbers
The Erdös number is the number of links away from prolific
mathematician Paul Erdös based on co-authorship of papers.
The Bacon Number is the number of links actors and actresses are
away (from Kevin Bacon) based on co-starring in a movie.
I have confirmed that my Erdös number is at most a modest value of 4, based on the following graph from Microsoft's Visual Explorer:
Before Microsoft's Visual Explorer the best path I was able to calculate was: Kenrick Mock co-author with Sergio Alvarado co-author with Margot Flowers co-author with Lawrence Birnbaum co-author with Ronald Rivest co-author with Nathan Linial co-author with Paul Erdös.
Since Erdös has an official Bacon number of four, this makes my combined Erdös/Bacon number to be at most eight steps away from fame ;-)