Kenrick J. Mock

Dean and Professor of Computer Science
College of Engineering
University of Alaska Anchorage
3211 Providence Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508

Phone: (907) 786-1956
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Online Curriculum Vitae:
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  1. Dean, College of Engineering. University of Alaska, Anchorage, 7/20 - present.

  2. Interim Dean, College of Engineering. University of Alaska, Anchorage, 10/18 - 6/20.

  3. Professor, Computer Science. University of Alaska, Anchorage, 6/12 - Present. Department Chair 8/12 - 5/14, 7/16 - 10/18.

  4. Associate Dean, College of Engineering. University of Alaska, Anchorage, 6/14 - 6/16.

  5. Associate Professor, Computer Science. University of Alaska, Anchorage, 6/05 - 6/12.

  6. Assistant Professor, Computer Science. University of Alaska, Anchorage, 8/00 - 6/05.

  7. Visiting Professor, Information Systems. Washington State University, Vancouver, 8/99 - 5/00. Taught three courses per semester (undergraduate and graduate).

  8. Adjunct Professor. Portland State University, Department of Computer Science, 6/96-12/99. Taught courses in AI (undergraduate and graduate) and Algorithms.

  9. Instructor. UC Davis, 6/95 - 8/95. Taught introduction to Computer Science and Problem Solving.


  1. Author: Pearson, 3/10 - 7/17. Revision of Java, An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, 6th-9th edition.

  2. Author: Pearson, 9/06 - 7/17. Revision of Problem Solving in C++, 6th-10th edition.

  3. Author: Pearson, 5/06 - 3/15. Revision of Absolute Java, 3rd-6th editions.

  4. Author: Pearson, 5/06 - 3/15. Revision of Absolute C++, 3rd-6th editions.

  5. Content Developer: Addison-Wesley, 11/04-4/05. Developed additional end-of-chapter programming exercises and solutions for Absolute Java.

  6. Content Developer: Addison-Wesley, 8/04-12/04. Developed additional end-of-chapter programming exercises and solutions for Absolute C++.

  7. Content Developer: Addison-Wesley, 8/03. Developed C++ questions as a companian site for student self-assessment for Absolute C++ and Problem Solving with C++ textbooks.

  8. Software Developer: Coastline Engineering, 6/02-6/03. Developed software to graphically visualize properties of flow and concentration in tidal basins.

  9. Content Developer: GreenTree Technologies, Inc., 8/01. Developed questions on CGI web technologies and Lisp programming for online testing.

  10. Chief Technology Officer: Unconventional Wisdom, Inc., 12/98 - 6/00. Co-founder and software developer for personalized Internet search and recommendation technology. The company was awarded an NSF Small Business Innovative Research grant.

  11. Game Designer and Programmer. 6/93 - Present. Created and operated a variety of multi-player trivia and word games popular on the Internet. Clients included Lifetime Television, Classmates and Talk City.

  12. Senior Software Engineer: Intel Corporation, 7/97 - 8/99. Business Application Components. Designed and developed algorithms for information management, information extraction, and visualization. Machine learning techniques for the automatic clustering and classification of documents. Incorporation of algorithms into desktop information management software. Additional duties included sponsoring university research.

  13. Research Hacker: Intel Corporation, 1/96 - 6/97. External Research Relations. Responsibilities included technology transfer from university grants to Intel's Architecture Lab, the management of research consortia, the evaluation of grants, and collaboration with individual researchers to align their research with Intel projects. Examples of projects include information agents for relevance ranking, sequential neural networks, groupware widgets, and scalable interfaces for document navigation and visualization.

  14. Programmer/Analyst. Chevron Chemical Company, 1/91 - 9/91, Management Information Systems. Provided user support on a variety of hardware and software platforms, generated multimedia presentations, and developed an expert system to troubleshoot PC's.


  1. Research Assistant: UC Davis, 4/93 - 6/95. Funding by Apple Corp. Designed and implemented an intelligent information filtering system that learned how to model users and sorted incoming news articles according to predicted user interests. The system was built with neural networks, statistical modeling, and genetic algorithms.

  2. Research Assistant: UC Davis, 6/94 - 9/94. Funding by NASA Ames Research Center. Constructed FANSYS (Failure ANAlysis SYStem) to address the computational problem of analyzing failures aboard NASA's Kuiper Airborne Observatory and Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy. Used symbolic knowledge representation of the flight domain, acquisition of failure analysis knowledge from input text, and question/answer capabilities regarding failure detection and correction. The system was built on case-based reasoning techniques within a frame-based knowledge representation.

  3. Research Assistant: UC Davis, 6/92 - 3/93. Funding by NASA Ames Research Center. The FANSYS system automatically acquired knowledge from input textual descriptions of failures regarding NASA's space station Freedom, and answered questions regarding failures. Helped design the case-based reasoning system, knowledge representation, and the domain model.

  4. Web Maintainer. UC Davis, 7/94 - 1/98. Created and maintained the UC Davis Artificial Intelligence Lab web server.

  5. Research Assistant. UC Davis Dept. of Education. 1/94 - 6/94. Lab manager. Installation, maintenance, setup of lab computers. Assisted faculty and students in computer operations.

  6. Intern. Los Alamos National Laboratory. 6/90 - 9/90. Coded multimedia drivers for instructional programs, documented Modula-2 code libraries and wrote demonstration programs.


    Most recent edition only.
  1. Savitch, W., Mock, K. (contributing author) (2017). Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, 8e. Pearson.

  2. Savitch, W., Mock, K. (contributing author) (2017). Problem Solving with C++, 10e. Pearson.

  3. Savitch, W., Mock, K. (contributing author) (2015). Absolute C++, 5e. Pearson.

  4. Savitch, W., Mock, K. (contributing author) (2015). Absolute Java, 5e. Pearson.

  5. Van Mantgem, Mike (ed.), Berque, D., Evans, E., Hammond, T., Mock, K., Payton, M., and Sweeney, D., (2008). Tablet PCs in K-12 Education. International Society for Technology in Education.


  1. Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2020). Artificial Intelligence-Based Cybercrime. The Encyclopeia of Criminal Activities and the Deep Web. IGI Global, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9715-5.ch003.
  2. Anthony, R., Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2012). Biometric Authentication in the Digital Age: Rights, Risks and Responsibilities in Human Rights and Risks in the Digital Era: Globalization and the Effects of Information Technologies. IGI Global.
  3. Desai, A., Mock, K. (2012). Security in Cloud Computing in Cloud Computing Service and Deployment Models, Bento, A. & Aggarwal, A. (eds). IGI Global. November, 2012.
  4. Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2008). Effects of Digital Convergence on Social Engineering Attack Channels, in Social and Human Elements of Information Security: Emerging Trends and Countermeasures, M. Gupta and R. Sharman (eds.), Information Science Reference.

  5. Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2007). Applications of Eye Tracking Technologies in Information Security, in R. Hammoud (Ed.) Computer Aided Eye Monitoring. Springer-Verlag.

  6. Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2007). Phishing Attacks and Countermeasures: Implications for Enterprise Information Security, in D. Khadraoui and F. Herrmann (Eds.) Advances in Enterprise Information Technology Security. Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA.

  7. Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2007). Social Implications of Distance Education in Alaska, in F. Li (Ed.) Social Implications and Challenges of E-Business. Hershey, PA, Information Science Reference, p. 28-41. Republished in I. Lee (ed.) (2009). Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Hershey, PA, Information Science Reference, Chapter 5.12.


    Selected publications are available online at
    h-index = 18 (Google Scholar).

  1. Mock, K. (2019). Experiences using Discord as a Platform for Online Tutoring and Building a CS Community. SIGCSE 19 Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, February 27-March 2, 2019, Minneapolis, MN. DOI: 10.1145/3287324.3293769, pp. 1284

  2. Kenney, L., Reeves, M., Poe, A., Mock, K., Huff, H., von Hippel, F., Trammell, E., Geist, M. (2017). Mapping Contaminants Health and Threats to the Environment of the Aleutian & Bering Sea Islands and Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Conference, Anchorage AK April 20-22, 2017.

  3. Dannenberg, D., Mock, K., Stone, J. (2016). Spirit Quest: Lessons from a Campus-wide Game Development Project. Games+Learning+Society 12 Conference, Madison, WI, Aug 16-19, 2016.

  4. Siewert, S., Angoth, V., Krishnamurthy, R., Mani, K., Mock, K., Srivistava, S., Wagner, C., Claus, R., Demi Vis, M. (2016). Software Defined Multi-Spectral Imaging for Arctic Sensor Networks. The 2016 SPIE Commercial Scientific Sensing and Imaging 2016.
  5. Ozuru, Y., Mock, K., Bowie, D., Kaufman, G. (2015). Why Do People Disagree With a Statement They Do Not Understand? Journal of Cognitive Psychology, V27, Issue 6, 2015.
  6. Hoanca, B., Smith, T., & Mock, K. (2014). Machine-Extracted Eye Gaze Features: How Well Do They Correlate to Sight-Reading Abilities of Piano Players? The 2014 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications, March 26-28 2014, Safety Harbor, FL.
  7. Pfeiffer, D., Mock, K., Spatz, R. (2013). The FLEUR Program: Integrating Undergraduate Research into the Curriculum at the University of Alaska Anchorage. Pre-International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Council on Undergraduate Research Conference, Raleigh, NC, October 2-5, 2013.
  8. Donovan, S., Mock, K., Titre, J., Ballesteros-Lopez, R. (2013). Role and Contribution of the Chugach National Forest, Alaska: Findings and Lessons Learned by an Early Adopter. 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, June 4-8, 2013. YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO.
  9. Testa, J. W., Mock, K. J., Taylor, C., Koyuk, H., Coyle, J.R., Waggoner, R. (2012). Agent-Based Modeling of the Dynamics of Mammal-eating Killer Whales and Their Prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Supplement.
  10. Mock, K., Hoanca, B., Weaver, J., Milton, M. (2012). Poster: Real-Time Continuous Iris Recognition for Authentication Using an Eye Tracker. The 19th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Raleigh NC, Oct. 16-18, 2012. Video demo:
  11. Desai, A., Mock, K. (2012). Risks, Challenges, and Mitigation Strategies in Cloud Computing. The Forty First Western Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting. April 3-6, 2012, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii.
  12. Testa, J. W., Mock, K. J., Taylor, C., Koyuk, H., Coyle, J.R., Waggoner, R. (2012). Agent-Based Modeling of the Dynamics of Mammal-eating Killer Whales and Their Prey: Not Your Lynx-Hare Cycle. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, January 16-20, 2012, Anchorage AK.
  13. Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2011). Using Market Basket Analysis to Estimate Potential Revenue Increases for a Small University Bookstore. The 4th Annual Conference on Information Systems Applied Research (CONISAR), November 3-6, 2011, Wilmington, NC.
  14. Weaver, J., Mock, K., Hoanca, B. (2011). Gaze-Based Password Authentication through Automatic Clustering of Gaze Points. The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, October 9-12, 2011, Anchorage AK.
  15. Mock, K. (2010). e-Learning Tools for Computer Science Educators and Students. eLearn 2010, 6 (Jun. 2010), ACM. Retrieved 8/20/11 from

  16. Mock, K. (2009). PenAttention: Highlight Your Pen Cursor for In-Class Presentations. The Workshop on the Impact of Pen-Based Technology on Education, October 12-13, 2009, Blacksburg, VA. Published in: The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education. Berque, D., Konkle, L., Reed, R. (eds). Purdue University Press, 2009.

  17. Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2009). A Theoretical Framework for Assessing Eavesdropping-Resistant Authentication Interfaces. The 2009 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, HI, Jan. 5-8, 2009.

  18. Piccard, L., Ayers, M., Hoanca, B., Hoffman, D., Martin, S., Mock, K. (2008). Alaska's Election Security: a Systems Approach. The 4th International Project Management Conference, September 15-18, 2008, Anchorage, AK.

  19. Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2008). Password entry scheme resistant to shoulder surfing. SAM 2008, the 2008 International Conference on Security and Management. July 12-16, 2008, Las Vegas, NV.

  20. Mock, K. (2008). A Programming Assignment Archive and Discussion Forum. Proceedings of the 39th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education. March 12-15, Portland, OR., ACM Press.

  21. Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2006). Secure graphical password system for high traffic public areas. Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium, March 27-29, San Diego, CA.

  22. Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (2005). Screen Oriented Technique for Reducing the Incidence of Shoulder Surfing. SAM 2005, the 2005 International Conference on Security and Management. June 20-23, 2005, Las Vegas, NV.

  23. Armstrong, N., Mock, K. (2005). Helicopter Routing for Maintaining Remote Sites in Alaska using a Genetic Algorithm. AAAI 2005, the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. July 9-13, 2005, Pittsburgh, PA.

  24. Mock, K. (2004). Teaching with Tablet PC's. The Sixth Annual Northwest Regional Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges. October 8-9, Salem, OR. The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges.

  25. Mock, K. (2003). The Development of a CS0 Course for Distance Delivery. Fifth Annual Northwest Regional Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges. October 3-4, Ellensburg, WA. The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, V19, N2.

  26. Freeburg, N., Mock, K. (2003). A Heuristic Search Algorithm for Empire-Based Games, The International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, July 1-2, San Diego, CA.

  27. Mock, K. (2002). Hierarchical Heuristic Search Techniques for Empire-Based Games. The 2002 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, June 24-27, Las Vegas, NV.

  28. Mock, K. (2001). An Experimental Framework for Email Categorization and Management.  24th Annual ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. September 9-13, 2001. New Orleans, LA. (23% acceptance rate)

  29. Mock, K (2001). The Use of Internet Tools to Supplement Communication in the Classroom. Third Annual Regional Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges. October 5-6, Tacoma, WA. Journal for Computing in Small Colleges, V17, N2.

  30. Mock, K. (1999). Dynamic Email Organization via Relevance Categories. The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence.

  31. Mock, K. (1998). Wildwood: The Evolution of L-System Plants for Virtual Environments. International Conference on Evolutionary Computing (ICEC '98), May 1998, Anchorage Alaska.

  32. Mock, K., Adams, R., Spangler, L. (1997). Venice: Content-Based Information Management for Electronic Mail. 1997 Intel Software Developers Conference, Portland, Oregon.

  33. Mock, K & Vemuri, V. (1997). Information Filtering via Hybrid Techniques. Journal of Information Processing and Management, Permagon Press, v33, n5, pp 633-644.

  34. Mock, K. (1996). Hybrid Hill-Climbing and Knowledge-Based Techniques for Intelligent News Filtering. 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Portland OR, Aug 4-8, 1996. (30% acceptance rate)

  35. Mock, K., Lawton, L., & Hoyle M. (1996). Online Game Show Hosts: Agents for Socialization, Not Just Entertainment. Workshop on AI and Entertainment, 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Portland OR, Aug 4-8, 1996. (30% acceptance rate)

  36. Quafafou, M. & Mock, K. (1995). Shadow: Adaptation of the Tutoring Interaction to the Changing Interests of the Student. Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Washington, DC.

  37. Alvarado, S., & Mock, K. (1995). Comprehension and Retrieval of Failure Cases in Airborne Observatories. Proceedings of the 1995 Goddard Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Information Technologies. NASA Conference Publication 3296, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.

  38. Mock, K. & Vemuri, V. (1994). Adaptive User Interfaces for Intelligent Information Filtering. Proceedings of the Third Golden West International Conference on Intelligent Systems. Las Vegas, NV.

  39. Mock, K. (1993). A Genetic Classification System via Discrimination Tables. Proceedings of the Third International Conference for Young Computer Scientists. Beijing, China.


  1. Hoanca, B., Mock, K., Smith, T. US Provisional Patent Application 61/945,462. February 27, 2014. Methods and Systems For Evaluating Performance.

  2. Moulic, J.R., Mock, K., Marcus, N., Hayes, R. Evans, N., Cortez, G. US Provisional Patent Application 61/979,728. April 15, 2014. Methods and Systems For Muscle Pain Diagnosis.

  3. Hoanca, B., Mock, K. (Assignee: University of Alaska). Methods and Systems for Multiple Factor Authentication Using Gaze Tracking and Iris Scanning. US Patent 7,986,816. Awarded July 26, 2011, Application No. 11/862,914.


  1. Arctic Information Fusion Capability panelist, Arctic-Related Incidents of National Significance Workshop on Maritime Mass Rescue Operations, Anchorage AK, June 21-22, 2016.

  2. Arctic Information Fusion Capability concept presentation, Arctic Science Summit, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK March 14, 2016.

  3. Arctic Domain Awareness Center Maritime Technology panelist, US-Canada Shared Interests and Opportunities in the NOrth American Arctic Workshop, Anchorage AK, Dec. 14-15, 2015.

  4. Games in Engineering and Computer Science (GECS 2010), Arlington, VA, June 3-4, 2010.


  1. Mock, K. and Meyer, J. (2023). Alaska COVID ENX Final Report. April, 2023.
  2. Donovan, S., Mock, K., Titre, J., Toohey, R., Ballesteros-Lopez, R. (2013). The Chugach National Forest Plan Revision: The Early Engagement Process. Technical Report for the US Forest Service, September, 2013.
  3. Hanley, T., Spalinger, D., Mock, K., Weaver, O., Harris, G. (2012). Forage Resource Evaluation System for Habitat - Deer. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-858. Portland, OR: Pacific Northwest Research Station. January, 2012.
  4. Piccard, L., Ayers, M., Hoanca, B., Hoffman, D., Martin, S., Mock, K. (2008). Alaska Election Security Report, Phase 1 and 2. State of Alaska Division of Elections. Retrieved 8/01/11 from,,

  5. Testa, J.W., Mock, K., Taylor, C., Koyuk, H., Coyle, J., Waggoner, R., Newman, K. (2007). An Agent-Based Model of Predator-Prey Relationships Between Transient Killer Whales and Other Marine Mammals. Final report for the Marine Mammal Commission.

  6. Mock, K. (1999). A Hybrid Rule Induction Classifier for Real-Time Classification and Incremental Learning. Intel Technical Report.

  7. Mock, K. (1998). A Comparison of Three Document Clustering Algorithms: TreeCluster, Word Intersection GQF, and Word Intersection Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering. Intel Technical Report.

  8. Mock, K. (1996). Context and Interest Fluctuations in User Profiles for News Filtering. UC Davis Technical Report.

  9. Alvarado, S., Braun, R., & Mock, K. (1993). FANSYS: A Computer Model of Text Comprehension and Question Answering for Failure Analysis. NASA Technical Memorandum, CSE-93-4. Ames Research Center.


  1. PenAttention. Updated 8/2024. Highlights Tablet PC cursor for lectures.

  2. Spirit Quest Prototype. 2017. Gamification to increase student success at UAA.

  3. Undergraduate Research Database. 2009-2014. Database of UAA undergraduate research projects.

  4. UAA Classroom Finder. 2014. Unfinished prototype (needs data input) to find a UAA classroom.

  5. GeoPixelCounter. 2012. Mock, K., Amato, J., Bertmaring, J. Porosity calculator for digital thin section photomicrographs.

  6. QuickLinkAPI4net. 2/2011. Supervised undergraduate Justin Weaver to develop a .NET interface for the EyeTechDS TM3 remote eyetracker.

  7. ScreenMouseRotate. 6/2009. Hot key to rotate the screen and appropriately flip the mouse.

  8. OQO Scrollmaster. 4/2008. Disables capacitive scrollbars on an OQO UMPC when the pen is detected to prevent vectoring.

  9. OQO Hacking, Bedtime. 7/2007. Programming interface for OQO accelerometer, touch scrollers, app to automatically put device in standby.

  10. Killer Whale Agent-Based Model. 6/2007. Java RePast simulation of a killer whale model.

  11. Forage Resource Evaluation System for Habitat (FRESH). 5/2006. .NET implementation of linear programming model to calculate the carrying capacity of deer and moose.

  12. Fun and Games. Variety of games for Internet, PC, Apple IIgs.


  1. AI-UNITE: Advancing Inclusivity, Unity, Networking, Innovation, Technology and Education for Enhanced AI Innovation Capacity in Alaska
    Co-PI with Masoumeh Heidari, 2025-2027
    National Science Foundation
    Grant Amount: $400K

  2. Collaborative Research: EPIIC: Rural AI Solutions and Engagement
    PI with Masoumeh Heidari, George Kamberov, Alpana Desai, 2024-2027
    National Science Foundation
    Grant Amount: $380K

  3. CISE Research Expansion Investigators Conference: Growing the pool of Aspiring Investigators for NSF CISE in Alaska and Neighboring Jurisdictions
    PI, 2024
    National Science Foundation
    Grant Amount: $98K

  4. RII Track-2 FEC: Natural Resource Supply Chain Optimization using Aerial Imagery Interpreted with Machine Learning Methods.
    Lead: University of Montana; Sr. Investigator with Caixia Wang (Geomatics), UAA PI: Jen Schmidt (CBPP), 2021-2025
    National Science Foundation
    Grant Amount: $1.2M

  5. Arctic Vessel Monitoring Geofencing/Alert Awareness
    Co-PI with Capt. Buddy Custard, Alaska Maritime Prevention and Response Network, 2018-2019
    US Department of Homeland Security.
    Grant amount: $302K

  6. Dept. of Homeland Security, Center of Excellence (COE) in Maritime Research at UAA
    Maritime Research Lead and PI of the Arctic Information Fusion Capability, 2015-2017.
    US Department of Homeland Security.
    Grant amount: $1-3M/year

  7. A Database for the Distribution of Potentially Toxic Elements in the Aleutian Volcanic Arc Terrestrial Ecosystem
    Co-PI with Dr. LeeAnn Munk, E. Jamie Trammell.
    May, 2014 to December, 2018.
    Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands LCC, US Fish and Wildlife Service
    Grant Amount: $77,000

  8. Distinct Landscape Roles and Contributions of the Chugach Region
    Co-PI with Dr. Shannon Donovan.
    US Forest Service.
    September, 2012 to August, 2014.
    Community engagement to evaluate the roles and contributions of the Chugach region as seen from the perspective of stakeholders. Online map-based input, analysis, and visualization. Grant amount: $112,179.

  9. MRI RUI: Acquisition of Eye Tracking Equipment to Support Research at UAA (revised from 2010 submission).
    Co-PI with Dr. Bogdan Hoanca.
    National Science Foundation.
    September, 2011 to August, 2014.
    Acquisition of high-end eye trackers for research in information management, computer security, learning mathematics, and interdisciplinary research at UAA. Created the UAA Eye Tracking Lab. Grant amount: $126,183.

  10. Forage Resource Evaluation System for Habitat (FRESH) - Server Maintenance and Development
    US Forest Service.
    October 2014 to October 2019.
    Development and maintenance of the FRESH web service to calculate the carrying capacity of herbivores. Cost Share Agreement: $14,710.

  11. Forage Resource Evaluation System for Habitat - Server Maintenance and Development
    US Forest Service.
    August 2009 to July 2014.
    Development and maintenance of the FRESH web service to calculate the carrying capacity of herbivores. Cost Reimbursable Agreement: $14,965.

  12. Tablet PC Mobile Laboratory for Collaborative Software Development between Computer Science and Natural Science Students
    PI with Dr. Donald Spalinger, Dr. Travis Rector
    Hewlett-Packard Technology for Teaching Grant Initiative - 2005.
    June 2005 to June 2006.
    Development of software for use in the field for real-time data collection, hypothesis testing, and agent-based modeling. Grant Amount: $74,000.

  13. Agent-Based Models of Predator-Prey Relationships between Killer Whales and Other Marine Mammals
    Co-PI with Dr. Ward Testa.
    Marine Mammal Commission.
    March 2005 to June 2007.
    Individual Based Model and simulation to explore population dynamics of killer whales and prey species.
    Grant Amount: $30,589.

  14. Acquisition of Research Computational Equipment.
    Co-PI with Dr. Patrick O'Leary.
    National Science Foundation, Major Research Instrumentation.
    July 2002 to July 2003.
    Computational equipment to support research for undergraduate students in parallel processing and intelligent systems.
    Grant Amount: $112,000.

  15. Alaska Sea Ice Atlas.
    University of Alaska, Coastal Marine Institute.
    June 2000 to June 2002. Granted to School of Engineering, UAA.
    Role: Development of the overall computer system architecture and supervision of a student to develop a web-based interface for atmospheric data.
    Grant Amount: $390,000.

  16. An Intelligent World-Wide Web Agent that Learns User Profiles to Find Relevant Information.
    Co-PI with Dr. Armand Prieditis.
    National Science Foundation, Small Business Innovative Research Program.
    Granted to Unconventional Wisdom, Inc.
    January 2000 to July 2001.
    Role: Software research and development of machine learning algorithms.
    Grant amount: $100,000.

  17. FANSYS: A Computer Model of Text Comprehension and Question Answering for Failure Analysis.
    NASA Ames Research Center.
    Granted to UC Davis, 1993.
    Role: Primary researcher and developer for a case-based reasoning engine.
    Grant amount: $100,000.


  1. Alaska COVID Exposure Notification Apps (ACENA).
    Rasmuson Foundation, 2020.

  2. CyberInfrastructure for Research Convergence (CIRC).
    National Science Foundation, 2019.

  3. Human Dimensions of Aquatic Invasive Species: A Probabilistic Analysis of the Diffusion and Economic Impact of Elodea
    National Science Foundation, 2018.

  4. Frontier Scientists: A Holistic Approach
    National Science Foundation, 2015.

  5. Oil spills from vessels in the U.S. Arctic: understanding the realities of risk and response will help protect marine ecosystems of the U.S. Arctic
    North Pacific Research Board, 2015.

  6. Toward an engineering framework for the programmable growth of complex chemical structures and systems
    National Science Foundation, 2013.

  7. Combining ethnographic and complex systems methods to assess non-economic influences on migration in Alaska
    National Science Foundation, 2012.

  8. Distributing Augmented Reality To Personal Devices
    National Science Foundation, 2012.

  9. MRI: Acquisition of Eye Tracking Equipment to Support Research at UAA
    National Science Foundation, 2010.

  10. Chemical constructors, the theory and experiments on self-constructing chemical structures
    National Science Foundation, 2009.

  11. Toward Chemical Constructors
    National Science Foundation, 2008.

  12. Eye Tracking to Assess and Improve Visual Scanning Patterns
    Northwest Academic Computing Consortium, 2005.

  13. RUI: MathGaze - An Eye Tracking and Speech Recognition Mathematical Aid for People with Loss of Motor Functions
    National Science Foundation, Universal Access, 2005.

  14. Teaching with Tablet PC's
    Principal Investigator.
    Hewlett-Packard Corporation, 2004.

  15. Tablet PC's as a Tool for Classroom and Distance Education
    Principal Investigator.
    Northwest Academic Computing Consortium, 2004.

  16. Hybrid Methods for Client-Based Personal Information Management.
    Principal Investigator.
    Merrill Lynch Innovation Grants, 1998.

  17. Information Architectures and Personal Information Assistants.
    National Science Foundation, 1997.


  1. Galileo Gen 2 Boards and Grove Sensor Kits
    Intel Corporation.
    Ten boards and kits for use in research and courses. $1400.
    Intel Corporation, 1/2015.


  1. INNOVATE Award, Spirit Quest: Gamifying Student Success at UAA. J. Stone, K. Mock, D. Dannenberg, T. $25,000, 12/2015.

  2. INNOVATE Award, Revealing Human Moral Decision Making Through Eye Tracking, with B. Hoanca, S. Bauer, Y. Ozuru, and R. Anthony. $10,000, 12/2012.

  3. INNOVATE Award, Augmented Reality, BIM and GIS for Mobile Platforms in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction, with J. McVaney and J. Callahan (PI). $10,000, 12/2012.

  4. UAA Community Engagement & Learning Mini-Grant, New Methodologies for Determining Habitat Carrying Capacity for Moose on the Chugach National Forest, with D. Spalinger, M. Perry, J. Kennish, W. Collins, T. Hanley, G. Harris: $6119, 9/2006. See website for deer and moose.

  5. UAA Strategic Opportunity Funds, Development of undergraduate research honors modules: $18000, 6/2006

  6. UAA Chancellor's Fund for Research and Scholarship. Graphical Password System for Maximum Security Access in Public Areas, Co-PI with Dr. Bogdan Hoanca: $9,993, 2/2005

  7. UAA Chancellor's Performance Funds, Computer Science Laboratory Tutors: $10000, 11/2004

  8. Computer Science Lab Server Replacement, $8664, 2/2001

  9. Information Technology Services Distance Education Incentive Grant, CS 101, $2500, 3/2001


    Interviews and articles regarding my internet games have appeared in the following publications:

  1. Barbour, T. (2011, February). Biometrics: Making it easier to tell if people are who they say they are. Alaska Business Monthly. p. 24
  2. Lavnick, M. (1997, February/March). "Alex, What are IRC Games?" Internet Underground. p. 36-41

  3. McPartlin, J. (1995, January). "Final Jeopardy." NetGuide. V2, N1, p. 24

  4. Arar, Y. (1994, December 26). "Smart Alex-y RobBot engages netters in Risky Business." Los Angeles Daily News, p L8

  5. Harakas, M. (1994, December 12). "Get It Straight: Internet Game Risky Business is Not Jeopardy!" Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel.

  6. Sandberg, J. (1994, November 3). "What is Virtual Reality, Alex? Robot Hosts Online Quiz Show." The Wall Street Journal, p. B1

  7. Flegel, F. (1994, September 25). "Jeopardy", Regina Sun.


  1. I-tracking and Eye-dentity: Secrets Your Eyes Reveal, Anchorage Science Pub, December 9, 2012, Anchorage AK.
  2. Protecting Our Eye-dentity, New Methods for Information Security
    Science for Alaska, February 28, 2012 (Fairbanks); April 24, 2012 (Anchorage).

  3. Eye-conomics.
    Spring Economics Forum, February 14, 2012, Anchorage, AK.

  4. Welcome to your new eye-dentity. Eye Tracking Technology and its Applications in Information Security.
    Anchorage InfraGard Meeting, December 13, 2011, Anchorage, AK.

  5. Eye Tracking Technology and its Applications in Information Security.
    Bookstore Special Events, September 20, 2011, Anchorage, AK.

  6. Active Learning in a Computer Classroom, February, 2009.
    Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence, University of Alaska Anchorage.

  7. Research on Authentication Schemes Resistant to Eavesdropping, July, 2008.
    Software Professionals of Alaska, July 31, 2008, Anchorage, AK.

  8. A Food-Based System for Evaluating Habitat Quality for Moose, April, 2007.
    Hanley, Thomas A, Donald E. Spalinger, Kenrick J. Mock, Grant M. Harris, and William B. Collins
    Alaska Chapter of the Wildlife Society 2007 Annual Conference, April 16-19, 2007, Juneau, AK.

  9. Active Learning with PowerPoint, March, 2007.
    Learner-Centered Education Symposium, University of Alaska Anchorage.

  10. Collaborative Software Development for Fieldwork Based Courses, February, 2005.
    Mock, K., Spalinger, D., Rector, T.
    HP Technology for Teaching Worldwide Higher Education Conference. Monterey, CA.

  11. Teaching with Tablet PC's. May, 2005.
    CAFE Technology Fellows, University of Alaska Anchorage.

  12. Introduction to Tablet PC's. June, 2004.
    Pacific Northwest Mathematical Association of America Section Meeting.
    University of Alaska Anchorage.

  13. Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems. September, 2003.
    Joint presentation with Dr. Ken Osterkamp.
    Complex Systems Lecture Series on the Evolution of Complex Systems, University of Alaska Anchorage.

  14. An Introduction to Complex Systems Modeling via SWARM. March, 2002.
    Complex Systems Lecture Series on the Evolution of Complex Systems, University of Alaska Anchorage.

  15. The Fascinating World of Robotics.  April, 2001.
    Invited panelist, Complex Systems Lecture Series on the Evolution of Complex Systems, University of Alaska Anchorage

  16. Is Your Computer Alive?  An Introduction to Artificial Life.  March, 2001.
    Complex Systems Lecture Series on the Evolution of Complex Systems, University of Alaska Anchorage.

  17. Toolshed: Market Research on the Web. October, 1999.
    (Contributor with Presenter, Dr. L. Lawton). Annual Meeting for the Society of Applied Sociology.

  18. An Introduction to Reasoning with Belief Networks. November, 1997.
    Intel Corporation.

  19. People-Finding: Techniques for Automatically Matching People with Similar Interests. July, 1997.
    Intel Corporation.

  20. Information Filtering via Hybrid Techniques. August, 1995
    Intel Corporation.

  21. Information Filtering via Hybrid Techniques. July, 1995.
    Hughes Information Technology Corporation.

  22. Information Glut on the Internet. May, 1995.
    Cal State University, Monterey Bay.

  23. Information Filtering Techniques for Usenet News. August, 1994.
    Apple Computer Corporation.



  1. Facilities, Space, and Planning Committee, 2020-current.

  2. Search Committee Chair, Dean of the College of Health, 2021.

  3. Chair, Course Fee Policy Working Group, Fall 2019.
  4. Student Safety in the Field Working Group, Fall 2019.
  5. Goldwater Scholarship Faculty Representative, 2013-2019,2021.

  6. Search Committee Member, UA Chief Information Security Officer, 2017.

  7. Honorary Degree Advisory Committee, 2016-current. Makes recommendations on honorary degrees.

  8. Chair, Electronic Annual Activity Report Task Force, 2016-2017. Chaired Task Force appointed by the Provost to recommend software for electronic activity reports.
  9. Formal Grade Dispute Committee, 2016-2018. Trained faculty member to participate in formal grade disputes.

  10. Academic Coaching Center Faculty Associate, 2015-2016. Guidance for the Academic Coaching Center and LRC.
  11. IT Statewide Transformation Task Force, 11/2015-4/2016. Made recommendations to the President regarding IT reorganization across UA campuses.

  12. Policy Advisory Committee, 2014-2016. Provided feedback on policies and procedures to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs.

  13. Responsible Conduct of Research Committee, 2012-2016. Address research integrity and compliance issues at UAA.
  14. Faculty Associate for Undergraduate Research, University Honors College, 2012-2014. Assisted the Dean and Director of Undergraduate Research on assessment of undergraduate research activities, management of the grant program, development of a proposed GER research course, and other activities to promote undergraduate research.

  15. Faculty Associate and Chair of the Undergraduate Research Task Force, 2009-2012. Organized and led the task force to promote undergraduate research at UAA, including faculty mentoring, administration of undergraduate research grants, creation of new grants, and organizing a yearly undergraduate research symposium.

  16. GER Assessment Task Force, 2012-2014. Development of an assessment plan for GER courses at UAA.

  17. International and Intercultural Task Force Member, 2011-2012. Developed International & Intercultural Learning Outcomes and implemented an I&I inventory. Co-chair of the I&I Inventory Subcommittee.

  18. Faculty Mentoring Manual, 2007-2008, 2010-2011. With Eric Murphy & Shannon Donovan, developed a manual on mentoring undergraduates in research at UAA for the Honors College. Second edition scheduled to be published in 2011.

  19. Undergraduate Research Project Database, 2008-2013. Supervised undergraduates and assisted with development and maintenance of a web database containing undergraduate research projects at UAA.

  20. CAHDRE database system, 2010-current. Supervised students and assisted with the development of a system to track projects and match mentors with mentees for CAHDRE, Center for Addressing Health Disparities Through Research and Education.

  21. Faculty Senate At-Large Representative, 2008-2012.

  22. Academic Assessment committee member, 2009-2012. Developed handbook, policies, and procedures to assess academic programs campus-wide.

  23. Core Theme #2 Assessment (RAET) committee member, 2009-2010, Summer 2012. Reported to the Vice Provost for Research to assess UAA's Core Theme #2, Research .

  24. Ad-hoc committee on the Faculty Evaluation of Teaching, 2008-2009. Developed recommendations for the Promotion and Tenure Task Force to revise the promotion and tenure guidelines regarding teaching.

  25. Undergraduate Research Task Force, 2006-current. Led the development of an honors track in Natural and Complex Systems, developed a proposal for undergraduate research modules.

  26. Mentoring Undergraduates in Research and Scholarship, 2008-current. With Eric Murphy and Diane Hirshberg, developed and delivered a series of mentoring workshops to teach faculty how to mentor undergraduate students in research.

  27. Undergraduate Academic Board member, 2008-2010. General Education Review Committee subcommittee member 2009-2010.

  28. Faculty Senate CAS Representative, 2006-2007. Served on the ACDLIT subcommittee.

  29. UAA Online Faculty Workload System, 2002-2004. Management and development of an online system for faculty to enter annual workloads agreements and activity reports.

  30. University Technology Council, 2001-2007
    Advisory group to ITS regarding computing policies and technology spending priorities.

  31. Chair, Smart Classroom Technology Working Group, 2005-2007
    Subcommittee of the UTC that investigated how technology can be used within the classroom to enrich the classroom experience.

  32. Complex Systems Group, 2001-2016
    Host seminars, lecture series, curriculum development, and cross-disciplinary research. Computer modeling and simulation using a 27 node Beowulf cluster (now retired) and a 480 node GPU Tesla machine.

  33. Presentation for the Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence, 1/2004
    The Benefits of Tablet PC's for Educators, 1/2004

  34. Information Technology Careers Website and poster for UA Academy, 2002-2003
    Campus-wide website to inform students of the availability and differences between computing degrees on campus.

  35. Office of Sponsored Programs, 2002
    Developed research grant queries to analyze grant proposals and submissions.

  36. Presentation for the Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence, 12/2001
    Using Computers to Converse with Students, 12/2001


  1. Summer Camp Instructor for Robotics (middle to high school), Creative Coding (elementary to middle school), or Advanced Coding/AI/Game Development (middle to high school), Summer 2012-current.
  2. College of Engineering Assessment Committee, Fall 2014-2018.
  3. College of Engineering Curriculum Committee, Fall 2013, Fall 2017.
  4. College of Engineering, Fall 2014-Spring 2016.
    In role as Associate Dean, chair of Bylaws Committee, Curriculum (Ex officio), and Assessment Committees (Ex officio). Oversight of curriculum, assessment, student council, academic petitions, and other academic matters for the College.
  5. Curriculum Development, 2+2 Chemical Engineering Program with WSU, 2015-2016.
  6. Computer Science & Engineering Department, Fall 2012-2014,2016-current
    Curriculum Committee. Major course revision and development of a Masters program in Computer Engineering and Computer Science.
  7. Computer Science & Engineering Department, 2012-2014,2016-2018
    Chair of the Department.

  8. Computer Science & Engineering Community Advisory Board, 2012-2018
    Formed the advisory board and participated in most meetings.

  9. SOE Promotion & Tenure Peer Review Committee, Fall 2012, Fall 2013

  10. Computer Science Program Yearly Assessment, 2001-2014,2016-current
    Conduct assessment from delivery of materials to analysis and final report. Wrote assessment plan and reports.

  11. ABET Accreditation, 2010-2014,2016-current.
    Led writing the prospectus and report to accredit the BS in Computer Science with ABET and implemented recommended changes to the program. Led ABET self study effort across ME,EE,CE,CSE, and GEO programs.

  12. CAS Dean Search Committee, 2012.

  13. CAS Course & Curriculum Review Committee, 2010-2012.

  14. Lab Manager Hiring Committee, Spring 2007, Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Fall 2010
    Committee member for hiring committee.

  15. IT Development, 2006-2007
    Setup, installation, and data management for the IT Works Grant Management software.

  16. CAS/Math Promotion and Tenure Peer Review Committee, 2006, 2008-2009
    Evaluated CAS and Math faculty for promotion and tenure to Associate Professor.

  17. Sonia Kovalevsky / Math Day 9/2003, 11/2004, 4/2004, 5/2006
    Hosted a robotics session to promote science to high school girls and remote students in Bethel.

  18. CS Web Page Maintenance, 2000-current
    Updated web pages, posted job announcements and news.

  19. ACM CS Club, 2002-2010
    Faculty advisor, host activities, bring in external speakers.

  20. Revision of CS Program, 2000-2003, 2005
    Major revision of the program to bring it in line with computing Curricula 2001, modifications to improve retention, and meet GER Integrative capstone requirement.

  21. Dept. of Mathematical Sciences Petition Committee, 2003-2007
    Evaluate student petitions for Math, Applied Statistics, and Computer Science courses.

  22. Microsoft MSDN Academic Alliance Software Administrator, 2002-current
    Administor program to check out Microsoft development software for CS students.

  23. CS/CSE Faculty Hiring Committee, 2000-2004, 2011-2014
    Committee member for seven hiring committees. Chaired the 2012 committee to hire a faculty member in Computer Science and Complex Systems. Chaired the 2013 committee to hire a faculty member in Visualization/EPSCoR.

  24. Computer Engineering Program Committee, 2000-2001
    Development of a proposed MS and BS degree in computer engineering.

  25. Advising for CS and CSE Majors, 2000-current
    Advising for up to 60 students per year.

  26. Donald R. Withey Memorial Scholarship Committee, 2002-2019
    Evaluate and award yearly scholarship.

  27. Computer Science & Engineering Tuition Waiver Committee, 2001-2003, 2011-2013
    Evaluate and award tuition waiver.

  28. College of Arts & Sciences Budget Office, 2000-2003
    Created a data conversion program to automate a week-long manual process of transferring financial data into a quick automated process that is still used in 2014.


  1. Conference co-chair, 2025 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Anchorage AK.
  2. NSF CISE Review Panelist (2x), 2024
  3. Conference co-chair, 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing & Information Technology, October, 2023, Anchorage AK.
  4. Conference co-chair, 2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, June, 2023, Anchorage AK.
  5. Conference co-chair, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), September 2021, Anchorage AK.
  6. Conference co-chair, 2019 ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), August 2019, Anchorage AK. Over 3200 registrants was a record for both KDD and a conference in Alaska, contributing $5M to the Alaska economy.
  7. Local arrangements co-chair and program committee member, 2017 INNS and IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, May 14-19, 2017, Anchorage AK.
  8. Program Committee Member and Paper Reviewer, 11th IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, October 9-12, 2016, Toulouse, France.
  9. Conference co-chair, 10th IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, September 2015, Anchorage AK.
  10. Web Chair, Emergence in Chemical Systems 4.0, 2015
  11. Editorial Board Member, Global Science and Technology Forum, Journal on Artificial Intelligence (JAI), 2013-present
  12. Web Chair, Emergence in Chemical Systems 3.0, 2013
  13. Reviewer for NSF CAREER proposal, October 2012
  14. Reviewer for three papers, Eye Tracking Research Association Conference, 2012
  15. Reviewer for two papers, 4th Annual Conference on Information Systems Applied Research, 2011
  16. Reviewer for IGI Global, book chapter on cloud computing, 2011
  17. External reviewer for three CUNY research grant proposals, 2010
  18. Web Chair, Emergence in Chemical Systems 2.0, 2009
  19. Reviewer, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2009
  20. External Reviewer for Promotion & Tenure, Arizona State, 2008
  21. Local Arrangements Chair, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Anchorage, AK, 6/24-6/26, 2008
  22. Reviewer, Springer-Verlag, Computer Aided Eye Tracking and Monitoring, 2007
  23. Reviewer, Addison-Wesley, Web Usability, 2005
  24. Reviewer, Addison-Wesley, Introduction to Computing Using Javascript and HTML, 2003
  25. Reviewer, Addison-Wesley, A Programmer's Guide to Assembler, 2003
  26. Reviewer, Jones and Bartlett, Computing with C# and the .NET Framework by Art Gittleman, 2002
  27. Local Arrangements Chair, International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Anchorage, AK, 5/25-5/29, 2002
  28. Reviewer, Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Northwest, 2001-2003
  29. Reviewer, Prentice Hall, Introduction to Java Programming by Daniel Liang, 2004
  30. Reviewer, Addison Wesley, Absolute C++ by Walter Savitch, 2001
  31. Reviewer, University of California, Digital Media Innovation Program, 2000
  32. Reviewer, Jones and Bartlett, A Laboratory Course in C++ by Nell Dale, 1999
  33. Reviewer, Jones and Bartlett, Programming and Problem Solving with Java by Nell Dale, Chip Weems, Mark Headington, 1998
  34. Reviewer, Jones and Bartlett, Programming and Problem Solving with C++ by Mark Headington, Nell Dale, Chip Weems, 1998
  35. Workshop Chair, Intel Workshop on Awareness, 1997
  36. Intel Consortia Representative, Integrated Media Systems Center, USC, 1997-1998
  37. Intel Consortia Representative, ADVENT, Columbia University, 1997
  38. Intel Consortia Representative, MIT Media Lab, 1996
  39. Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1995


  1. PI w/Jennifer Meyer for Alaska COVID ENX, COVID Exposure Notification for Alaska with Google/Apple, 2022 - 2023
  2. Board of Directors, Anchorage Library Foundation, 2018-current.
  3. Panel Moderator, One-To-One: Cybersecurity. Alaska World Affairs Council, 4/12/2017.
  4. Event Organizer, Alaska FIRST Tech Challenge High School Robotics Championship, 2015, 2017
  5. Instructor, Robotics, Coding, Minecraft, Game Development. Summer Engineering Academies, 2014-present.
  6. Event Organizer, Alaska VEX Robotics Championships, January 11, 2014 and February 8, 2014.
  7. Event Organizer, Alaska FIRST Tech Challenge High School Robotics Championship, March 7-9, 2013.
  8. Board of Directors, Tanaina Child Development Center, 2010-2012
  9. Website development, Alaska Fine Arts Academy, 2004
  10. Website development, Anchorage Looncam, 2003
  11. Judge, Alaska State FIRST Lego League Robotics Competition, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006
  12. Database Development, Alzheimers Disease Resource Agency, 2001


    University of Alaska Anchorage

  1. CS/CSCE A101 - Introduction to Computer Science (F00, F01, F02, F09, S24)
  2. CS A109 - C# .NET (SUM08, SUM09, SUM10, SUM11)
  3. CS A109 - Python (S06)
  4. CS A110 - Java (SUM14)
  5. CS A111 - Visual Basic .NET (SUM03, SUM04, SUM05, F05, SUM06, S08, S09)
  6. CS/CSCE A201 - Programming Concepts (F00,S01,SUM01,SUM02,S03,SUM03,S04,F06,F08,S11,F11,F12,F16,S17,F17,F18,F19,S22)
  7. CSCE A211 - Programming Concepts II (F13,S14,F16,S17,F17,S17,F18,S18,F19)
  8. CS/CSCE A221/A248 - Computer Organization, Architecture and Assembly (S01,F02,S02,F03,F04,S25)
  9. CSCE A222 - Object-Oriented Programming I (F15,F19,S20)
  10. CSCE A311 - Data Structures and Algorithms (S14,F18,F19,F20,S21)
  11. CS/CSCE A331 - Programming Languages (S03,S05,S07,S09,S12,S13,S15)
  12. CS A342 - Networks (F12)
  13. CS A351 - Automata, Algorithms and Complexity (F03,S03,F04,F05,S07,S08,S10,S11,S12,S16,F22)
  14. CSCE A394A - Robotics Mentorship (S14)
  15. CS A395 - Supervision of Internships (2000-current)
  16. CS/CSCE A401 - Software Engineering (S04,F04,F05,F06,F08,F09,F10,F11,F12,F13,F14)
  17. CS A405 - Artificial Intelligence (S02,F03,F06,F08,F09,F11)
  18. CS A411 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms (S01)
  19. CS A442 - Computer Networking (F00, F01)
  20. CS A448 - Advanced Computer Architecture (F01,F10,S17,S18,S19)
  21. CS A450 - Automata and Computing (S02)
  22. CS/CSCE A470 - Capstone Software Development Project (F02,S04,S05,S06,S07,S08,S09,S10,S11,S12,S13,S14,F21)
  23. CS A495 - Supervision of Internship Design Project (2002-)
  24. CS A497 - Web Development (F03)

    Washington State University

  1. MIS 350 - Introduction to Information Systems (F99,S00)
  2. MIS 372 - Database Systems (F99)
  3. MIS 375 - Electronic Commerce (F99)
  4. MIS 474 - Telecommunications and Networking (S00)
  5. MIS 574 - Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce (S00)

    Portland State University

  1. CS 350 - Algorithms and Complexity (F96, F97, F98, F99)
  2. CS 441/541 - Artificial Intelligence (W96, F98, W98, F99)

    University of California Davis

  1. ECS 30 - Introduction to Computer Science and Problem Solving (SUM95)


  1. Visit Anchorage Meeting Champion of the Year Award, 4/2018.
  2. CAFE Holy Cow Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring, 2010.
  3. Best Late-Breaking Result, Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium, 2006.
  4. Best Paper, Intel Software Developers Conference, 1997.
  5. Honorable Mention Award, Best Paper. Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 1995.
  6. UC Davis Graduate Fellowship Award, 1992
  7. Student Service Award, 1990
  8. Dean's Honor List, 1986-1990
  9. Academic Athlete Honor Roll, 1988-1990
  10. Chevron Scholarship, 1988


  1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
  2. American Association of Artificial Intelligence
  3. Association of Computing Machinery; Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education
  4. Tau Beta Pi Honor Society
  5. Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society


  1. Programming Languages: C, C++, C#, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, VBScript, Lisp, Scheme, Prolog, Pascal, Modula-2, Java, JavaScript, Icon, ML, Assembly (6502/65816/x86/MIPS), MFC, STL, PHP, ASP, Processing, p5js, python
  2. Platforms: Linux, SunOS, Solaris, Ultrix, Windows, Macintosh, .NET, Tablet PC, Arduino, Android, CUDA
  3. Technologies: COM/ActiveX, Networking, MS Access, System Administration, HTML, CGI, Oracle, mySQL, SQL Server, MPI, RePast