Course Schedule : Mock, CS A405

Date Topic Reading Wk Notes
T,R Aug/Sep 30,1 Overview of AI

Uninformed Search
Chapter 1,2 1 Intro, Search

Video: Lecture 1, Lecture 2

R Sept 8

Labor Day Holiday, no class Tuesday, 9/6

Uninformed Search

Chapter 22

Video: Lecture 3

T,R Sept 13,15

Informed Search

Chapter 33 Gaming

Video: Lecture 4, Lecture 5

T,RSept 20,22 Game Playing Chapter 4 4

Video Game AI, Memory Models, Semantic Networks/Frames

Video: Lecture 6, Lecture 7

T,R Sept 27,29 Game Playing, Video Game AI

Chapter 4


Logic, Prolog

Video: Lecture 8, Lecture 9

T,R Oct 4,6

Knowledge Representation, Semantic Networks, Logic

Chapter 5 6

Machine Learning Intro

Video: Lecture 10, Lecture 11

T,R Oct 11,13 Prolog (Review?) . 7

Video: Lecture 12

T,R Oct 18,20

 Midterm Exam 10/20

Machine Learning Intro

Chapter 6 8 Exam #1 Topics

Decision Trees

Video: Lecture 13

T,R Oct 25,27

Decision Trees, Markov Models

Chapter 6


Rule Induction: pdf, ppt

Video: Lecture 14, Lecture 15

T,R Nov 1,3

Evolutionary Computation

Project Review, Thursday 10/3

Chapter 7 10 

A-Life: pdf, ppt

Video: Lecture 16, Lecture 17

T,R Nov 8,10

Neural Networks

Chapter 8-9 11

Video: Lecture 18, Lecture 19

Neural Networks: pdf, ppt

GA's: pdf, ppt

T,R Nov 15,17 Agent Architectures

Biologically Inspired AI
Chapters 11-12 12

IR: pdf, ppt

Video: Lecture 20, Lecture 21

T Nov 22

Information Retrieval

Thankgiving Holiday 11/24



Introduction to SVM's

Video: Lecture 22

T/R Nov/Dec 29,1

Monte Carlo Trees, TBD

. 14

Introduction to Monte Carlo Trees, Present and Future of AI

Video: Lecture 23, (No Lecture 24 video, data corruption...)

T,R Dec 6,8 AI Tournament, Tuesday Dec. 6 - Come to CS Lab

AI Presentations, Thursday 12/8, Wrapup
. 15

Final Exam Topics

Video: Lecture 25

R Dec 15 Final Exam, Thursday 12/15 . Finals Week Thursday, 12/15, 1:00-3:45 PM