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Section 5.6 Trees

Subsection 5.6.1 Terminology

Definition 5.6.1. Tree.

A graph is a tree if and only if it is connected and contains no cycles.

Definition 5.6.2. Leaf.

A vertex in a tree is a leaf if and only if it has degree one.

Definition 5.6.3. Spanning Tree.

A graph \(G\) is a spanning tree of a graph H if and only if \(G\) is a subgraph of \(H\) that contains all the vertices of \(H\) and is a tree.

Subsection 5.6.2 Practice

Checkpoint 5.6.4.

Determine which graphs in Figure FigureĀ 5.1.1 are trees.

Checkpoint 5.6.5.

Draw all non-isomorphic trees on 3 vertices.

Checkpoint 5.6.6.

Prove that every tree with at least two vertices has at least one leaf.

Checkpoint 5.6.7.

Draw a tree with 7 vertices. Determine for what \(n\) the tree is \(n\)-connected.

Checkpoint 5.6.8.

Explain why for any tree removal of a leaf produces another tree.