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Section 4 Instruction

This course involves presentations by the instructor, explorations done by yourselves with assistance from the instructor, homework to increase your understanding, and homework to give you practice with the material.
Class time will be used for instructor presentations, and explorations by you. Understanding the definitions requires working through examples in detail. The abstract concepts will then have concrete realization.
In order to complete your understanding and to set firm memories, you will need to complete more examples that illustrate definitions and theorems. There will also be some minor theorems to prove. These will re-use proof techniques seen in other theorems and thereby give you practice in recognizing the concepts in contexts and help you memorize important proof techniques.
While your notes are not graded, you will want to create a structured list of the major definitions and theorems. The purpose is to be able to see how all the material fits together. This will both increase your understanding of each concept (because of the connections) and help you remember them.