The purpose of this activity is to illustrate visually an interpretation of curl that explains the name.
Use Figure 5.5.2 to answer these questions. Note that the field is \(\vec{F}(x,y,z)=\langle \sin(\pi y), \cos(\pi x), 1 \rangle\text{.}\) The curl is given by \(\text{curl}(\vec{F})=\langle 0, 0, -\pi\sin(\pi x)-\pi \cos(\pi y) \rangle\text{.}\)
Would ball 1 spin clockwise, not at all or counterclockwise?
What is the curl at the center of ball 1 \((0.5,0,0)\text{?}\)
Would ball 2 spin clockwise, not at all or counterclockwise?
What is the curl at the center of ball 2 \((-0.5,1,0)\text{?}\)
Would ball 3 spin clockwise, not at all or counterclockwise?
What is the curl at the center of ball 3 \((-1.5,-1,0)\text{?}\)
Figure5.5.2.Curl Illustrated by Balls in a Field
Subsection5.5.3Curl and Conservative Fields
The purpose of this activity is to discover a connection between curl and conservative fields.